Appointment Setting

More Meetings And More Sales

Time is money, and we understand the value of both. Our appointment setting services take the hassle out of scheduling meetings with potential clients. We leverage our expertise to secure appointments that align with your sales team's priorities, giving you the opportunity to focus on what you do best—closing deals.

 a graph showing a computer with multiple calendars linked together


Begin your targeted email campaign today

If you're interested in bringing in more leads to your business today, get in contact with Credence Business Consultants today,
or find out more about what we can offer you.

Book your Consultation     More on how we work


a person using a laptop and phone to set up an appointment

Using data in a professional way

Before embarking on a cold email campaign, it is vital to make sure the accounts that receive these emails are potentially interested.

We will study your existing data, previous emails, and follow-up strategy to find areas of improvement, before delivering personalised emails to your prospects. From here we can track and test results to fine tune the performance of your campaign, and help boost your sales leads.

Rest assured all our data usage is fully GDPR compliant, and we never compromise the privacy of any client.